Welcome to a Values-Based Education
We envision a Catholic education that will assist and develop the student in becoming a person of faith with an open and eager intellect capable of embracing God and the world with courage, love and understanding. The student will grow in the necessary skills to be effective in each step toward maturity as a Christian citizen.
Appreciation for the arts and leisure will assist the student to become a person open to the world and the opportunities for growth that it offers. The student will grow in becoming a global citizen, developing an understanding of and responsibility to the world, the environment and humanity.
Continued support and development of a healthy self-concept will assist the student toward success in academic and social settings. Students learn best when they possess a positive view of themselves as persons capable of succeeding.
Knowledge of science will develop the student’s ability to employ logic, perceive relationships and maintain awareness of current scientific development.
Learning the teachings of the Catholic faith, through emphasis of Gospel values throughout the curriculum and participation in formal religion classes, liturgy, prayer experiences and community service, will empower the student to grow in a life of faith.
Saint Margaret Mary School endeavors to create an atmosphere of Christian awareness within a program of academic enrichment. Realizing that parents carry the basic responsibility to educate their children, we endeavor to supplement their efforts by providing experiences conductive to maximum spiritual, intellectual, emotional, social and physical growth. Within the school, the program strives to recognize the potential of each student and the student’s right to an education commensurate with the individual’s abilities.
Being aware that faith in Christian values gives meaning to life, our staff aims to present the Christian message through witness and doctrine. Faculty and students endeavor to become a faith community founded on intellectual growth.
Recognizing our personal giftedness, in the light of world needs, we wish not only to grow in academic learning, but by awareness and empathy to touch the world community through service.